Sunday, April 2, 2023

Bryophytes & Lichen. Chiddingly Wood part of the Wakhurst and Chiddingly Woods SSSI 28.03.18

I visited Chidingly Woods to complete my visit of Wakehurst & Chiddingly Woods SSSI; I visisted the Wakehurst Wood part of the SSS, on 14.03.18

It rained all the time I was in Chiddingly Wood! The landscape is tryical of High Weald ghyll woodland, with steep sided valleys formed by streams cutting through Wadhurst Clay and Tunbridge Wells sands, exposing outcrops of sandstone. The valleys have a warm, moist micro-climate, with a rich variety of cryptograms

These identifications are all provisional. Please do comment if you think I have got any identification wrong!

Barbula sp.

Calliergonella cuspidata 

Cladonia coniocrea 

Dicranum scoparium 

Didymon vinealis

Hypnogymnia physodes

Hypnum cupressiforme & Thamnobryum alopecurum 

Hypnum cupressiforme 

Kindbergi praelonga

Mnium hornum 

Pellia epiphylla

Plagiothecium undulatum

Physciella chloantha

Polytrichum formosum and Kinderbergia praelonga 

Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum

Rhynchostegium riparioides 

Trapelia coartata 

Landscape scenes

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I am grateful to receive corrections if I have made an identification error.

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