Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Bryophytes in Eridge Park 23.12.22

Eridge Park is an SSSI; its Natural England citation is mainly for it's lichens, but it has a very large number of bryophytes too. I have written a fuller post on this visit on my website.

Ulota bruchii

An Orthotrichum species

Metzgeria furcata 

Lewinska affins

Hypnum curpessiforme

Eurhynchium striatum

Cryphaea heteromalia 

Bryum aregentum

Brachythecium rutabulum

Balcombe. Lichens. 14.04.23

I visited Walk Wood and St Mary's Churchyard in Balcombe with a friend who is an expert lichenologist. All of these identifications were...