Thursday, March 23, 2023

Bryophytes and Lichen. Robertsbridge 12.03.12

I went to Robertsbridge with the British Bryology Society South East group. It was the first time I had attended a BBS gorp field trip: it was fantastic experience and I learnt a great deal from expert bryologist

A report of the field trip can be found at the Sussex Bryophytes website 

Survey area; photo from the blog:

Here are a few of the species I saw:

Bryum sp 

Calliergonella cuspidata 

Clausilia bidentata (snail)

Colejeunea minutissima and Orthotichium affine 

Collema crispum (Blennothalilia crispa), Syntrichia ruralis & Trentepohlia sp

Didymodon sp 

Frullania dilatata, and a Zygodon sp possibly Z. conoideus 

Illosporiopsis christiansenii (a lichenicolous fungus) parasitising Physcia tenella 

Lateral cryphaea 

Metzgeria furcata & Metzgeria frutiulosa 

Metzgeria furcata, Radula complanata and Cololejeunea minutissima 

Radula complanata

Orthotrichum diaphanum 

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I am grateful to receive corrections if I have made an identification error.

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